Guided tour and workshop for secondary schools

Exile and the Mass Media is an educational activity aimed at secondary schools.


The Spanish Civil War was the first really media war, with a major presence of photojournalists. Refugees are news. Pictures and news of refugees are contradictory and sometimes do not respect fundamental human rights.

This activity seeks to explore the relation between a historical issue such as exile, universal in time and space, with the media, including the printed press, radio, television, cinema… and establish a set of comparisons between the vision of the 1939 exile and the current vision of exiles that predominates in the media. An initiative that seeks to work on these contents in an entertaining and active way, stimulating the critical faculties of the students.

It is organised as a group-classroom activity which consists of a tour of the Exile Memorial Museum in La Jonquera, a workshop in MUME and, lastly, work before and after at school.

Duration: 3 hours

Groups of a maximum of 25 people per guide-educator

· Price per student: €8

· Groups up to 20 students: €160 / group


Download PDF document with information on the tour-workshop "Exile and the mass media".

virtual visit eng1 250p




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