The Network of Memorial Sites in Catalonia is an initiative of the Memorial Democràtic (Department of Governation) and groups together different sites which have witnessed our recent history. The main objective is the recovery of a memorial heritage – tangible and intangible – representative of the fight and the conflicts for the achievement of rights and democratic freedoms in our country during the period from the proclamation of the 2nd Republic to the democratic transition.

The Network of Memorial Sites is formed by a heterogenic heritage group of sites, from itineraries to interpretation centres, memorial stones, remains and recovered heritage in situ.

Networking the history and memory of these sites has made them real places of memory, reflection and homage and, especially, has transformed them into living tools of historical awareness and social education.

For more information, visit the website of The Network of Memorial Sites in Catalonia (Memorial Democràtic):


The Memorial Democràtic of the Generalitat de Catalunya is a public institution that aims to recover, commemorate and foster democratic memoryduring the period between 1931 and 1980. It is the first institution of this kind in Spain.

In its Article 54, the Catalan Statute determines that the Generalitat and other public powers must protect the understanding and maintenance of the historical memory of Catalonia, as a collective heritage that pays witness to the resistance and fight for democratic rights and liberties.

The Memorial Democràtic is the body that responds to this article of the Catalan Statute. It is an institution for all: people, bodies and organisations that seek to recover our historical memory.

The Memorial law was passed on 31st October 2007 (

For more information, please visit the Memorial Democràtic website.

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