In this section we offer you several educational resources linked to the MUME subject, to complement the visit and to work more extensively on the preparation of the activities before and after your visit to the museum.

 1. The Routes of the Republican Exile of 1939 (MUME / Department of Pedagogy UdG), 2013). Document with basic information on the context of the Civil War and exile with testimonies, maps, bibliography and various data prepared and collected by Salomó Marquès, professor and emeritus professor at the Department of Pedagogy at the University of Girona (UdG). This publication is part of the documentation used during the practices related to the History of Education of the university students studying Pedagogy, Social Pedagogy and Social Work at the University of Girona. It is a one-day practice that seeks to tread on historic territory, a border territory through which many Republicans, including a good group of teachers, went during the Retirement of 1939. On February 10, 1939 Franco's troops reached La Jonquera and the French border was closed. I was in exile. The activity starts with a visit to the Exile Memorial Museum in La Jonquera, and then goes to some of the most emblematic places in our most recent history. From the side of the Empordà: La Jonquera, Mas Perxés and Coll de la Manrella (Agullana), the Canta mine and Coll de Lli (La Vajol), etc. and on the side of the Roussillon: the Argelès countryside. This whole journey is complemented by reading texts written by the protagonists, especially teachers. This dossier offers the itinerary by expanding references to other memory spaces linked to war and Republican exile in the area. There are also some data that allow you to better understand and value exile.

2. Ensenyar a pensar. Salomó Marquès Sureda (UdG). Quaderns didàctics del Memorial Democràtic (Generalitat de Catalunya). Material editat el 2013.Teaching to think. In memory of the teachers of the Republic. Solomon Marqués Sureda (UdG). Educational Notebooks of the Democratic Memorial (Generalitat de Catalunya). Material edited in 2013.

3. Projecte transfronterer del Museu de la Resistència i la Deportació de Tolosa de Llenguadoc / Projet transfrontalier autour de la mémoire de l’exil républicain espagnol en Haute-Garonne, 2009. Document from the Toulouse Resistance and Deportation Museum in Toulouse to resume the Departure at the Haute-Garonne Department, autour de la mémoire de l’exil républicain espagnol in Haute-Garonne. Musée Départemental de la Résistance et de la Déportation de Toulouse

4. Webquest sobre la repressió franquista, del professor Eduard Navarro (Edualter) per a 4t ESO i 1r BAT. (2005). From the research that students will do, we will find out more about a lesser-known subject like Franco's repression.

5. Webquest "Una aproximació al franquisme", del professor José Luís Fierro per a 4t ESO i 1r BAT. (2005).One of the dreams of any historian is to find living testimonies that allow him to study a movement or a period of history. These people are one of the most basic sources for historical work. Through these testimonies the historian can arrive at conclusions or elaborate theories.From this WebQuest we will approach the Franco regime and we will do it through all these people (anonymous most of them) who lived in front row this period. They know a lot and will be happy to help us learn. These are true books that we must not miss, and thirty-six years of General Franco's rule served to mark much of the history of the twentieth century in Spain. Even today we still hear about the Valley of the Fallen, the Salamanca Archives, the Fosses Comunes and the recovery of historical memory. And the effects of the Franco regime are still very much alive. Will the books and web pages agree with the testimonies we find? Will we be able to certify the written works or do we need to reject any ideas? This is the great goal of this WebQuest.

6. Site "Exili republicà i literatura catalana" per a 3r i 4t ESO, creat el 2011 per J. Miquel Albert i l'alumnat de 2n de Batxillerat (2009-10) de l'Institut Joan Fuster de Barcelona. On February 5, 1939 Franco's troops arrive at the French border and control Catalonia. An estimated 400,000 Republicans have been exiled, fleeing the war and fear of repression. Among these people are the main protagonists of Catalan culture during the Second Republic. That is why the Catalan republican exile also meant the exile of Catalan literature. This Collaborative and Research Website tries to reconstruct this episode and the itineraries followed by Catalan writers, based on their literary work.

The Democratic Memory Bank is a project led by the Democratic Memorial of the Generalitat of Catalonia that collects and makes available to citizens those funds and collections that recover democratic memory in Catalonia (1931-1980), specifically the Second Republic, the Civil War and the victims for ideological, conscience, religious or social reasons, as well as the repression of individuals and groups by the Franco dictatorship, exile and deportation, the anti-Franco struggle and the transition to democracy. It is a web search engine that allows the integrated search and visualization of the contents of the Democratic Memorial's funds and collections on historical memory. It allows you to view maps and timelines to locate information and witnesses about a given event or stage and includes people, historical events and memory spaces.

8. Documentary Testomonies and legacies. UdG Repository (MUME- UdG). The University of Girona and the Consorci del Museu Memorial de l'Exili (MUME) signed, on 20 June 2020, an agreement to link the Museum's library to the Library of the University of Girona. The agreement facilitates the consultation of its bibliographic collection by members of the university community and provides for the support of the UdG Library in its cataloging as well as in the digitization of its manuscript collection, in addition to the transfer of documents and other objects between the two institutions and the practice offer for UdG students.

For any questions or suggestions you can contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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