Art and Memory: "Per si no tornem (In case we don't come back)", by Miquel Duran

Art and Memory: "Per si no tornem (In case we don't come back)", by Miquel Duran
Sam, 14. janvier 2023 - Dim, 16. avril 2023
Art i memòria històric EN


Art and Memory: "Per si no tornem (In case we don't come back)", de Miquel Duran

From Janyary, 14,  to April, 16, 2023


Per si no tornem

grup 1 còpia 1

Anonymous Unknown, unknown, secret, ignored, unnoticed, silent. Art, understood as a test laboratory for the different points of view and experiences of reality in the face of the uncertain labyrinth of today's world, becomes an effective tool to claim diversity from particularity.

The installation "Per si no tornem" (In case we don't come back) revolves around the displaced from all over the world, with the consequent humanitarian and migratory crises and wants to be, again, a critical reflection on how we construct memory through narrative forms in the throughout history with implicit themes such as the social body and identity.

Miquel Duran Carrera (Vilabertran, 1954) has held different individual painting exhibitions in Figueres, Girona, Barcelona, Perpignan and Poland, among which the anthology he did in Vilabertran as part of the XVI Music Festival of the 'Empordà (1996), and the one made jointly with Joan Paradís at the Ciutadella de Roses (2011). Also very relevant, in the whole of his production, his works of poster design and engraving. He has works in the Girona Art Museum, the Empordà Museum (Figueres), the Engraving Museum (Alcalà la Real), the Marignane Museum, and the Interpretation Center of the Catalan Cultural Exile of 1939 in Agullana and at the Toy Museum of Catalonia in Figueres.

For more information:

Pàgina web de Miquel Duran 

Facebook Miquel Duran

Article d'Eudald Camps (Diari de Girona, 4.07.2011)

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