Exhibition: Winners and losers

Exhibition: Winners and losers
Sam, 6. février 2016
Exposició Temporal Històric EN


Exhibition: "Winners and losers"


After almost three years of war, Catalonia would be occupied by Franco's troops. The end of the war was doubly terrible for the territory. On the one hand, the defeat would lead to tens of thousands of Catalans going into exile, being imprisoned and, in the worst case, being shot and buried in mass graves. On the other hand, the end of the war would mean the suppression of Catalan autonomy and the persecution of its language and culture. In this way, the long night of the Franco regime would begin, a dictatorship that would separate society, until the last moment, between winners and losers.

In 1939 there was the Republican exile, an exodus of great proportions unprecedented in history.

The defeat of republican legality in 1939 meant that its defenders had to go into exile or were severely retaliated against by the Franco dictatorship.

Franco's occupation of Catalonia would end the freedom and democracy and the beginning of a terrible repression on the vanquished.

The victory of the Francoist troops and the beginning of the dictatorship allowed its followers a whole series of privileges. Society would be fragmented between the vanquished and the vanquished.

Although Franco's Spain officially remained neutral during World War II, its collaboration on the side of Nazism and fascism was significant.


Military occupation of Catalonia 

Franco's occupation of Catalonia would end the freedom and democracy and the beginning of a terrible repression on the vanquished. Withdrawl and exile.

Withdrawl and exile
The year 1939 would see the Republican exile, a massive exodus unprecedented in history. 
The victory of the Francoist troops and the beginning of the dictatorship allowed its followers a whole series of privileges. Society would be fragmented between the winners and the losers. 
The defeat of the Republican legality in 1939 meant that its defenders had to exiled or severely retaliated by the Francoo dictatorship. 
Confronted hopes 
Esperances enfrontades
Although Franco's Spain remained neutral during World War II, its collaboration on the side of the Nazis and fascism was significant. 


Inauguration: Saturday, February 6, 2016 at 12h. 

Exhibition at the MUME from February 6 to April 24, 2016 

For more information: 

Opuscle de l'exposició (guia de visita)

Organised by : Memorial Democràtic

virtual visitfra1 250p




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