Family outings 2019 (8). Saint Cyprien and Elne

Family outings 2019 (8). Saint Cyprien and Elne
Dim, 14. avril 2019
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Family outings for private individuals (8)

New program of family outings to various places linked to the 1939 exile (September 2018- May 2019)

Sunday, April 14th

Sant Cebrià and Elna: the pain of internment and the light of hope

A large concentration camp was located on the beach of Sant Cebrià, similar to that of Algiers. First used as a repository for Republican refugees, during the years of World War II it housed diverse foreign populations. The route will start showing the location of the beach of Sant Cebrià, and then continue with a visit to the Maternity Hospital of Elna, where we will discover an oasis of peace and solidarity in the midst of the despair of exile and the II World War.

Meeting point: in front of the tourist office (beach, next to the roundabout), Sant Cebrià


From May to June 2019, the following outings will also take place:

May 12, 2019: Coll de Lli. The evasion of top Republican leaders.

June 9, 2019: The double border. Portbou in the lead years of World War II


Additional information:

Travel is made in the participant's own transport and lunch is not included. All scheduled outings are on Sundays.

Duration: 4 hours (from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) Prices: general 15EUR - children from 7 to 12 years 8EUR

Reduced prices for groups of 10 or more participants: general 12EUR - children from 7 to 12 years 5EUR

Information and registration: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. / Tel. 972 55 65 33

More information in the information leaflet on family outings 2018-2019 

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