Exhibition '130 years of struggles and conquests'

Exhibition '130 years of struggles and conquests'
Ven, 21. juin 2019 - Dim, 7. juillet 2019
Exposició Temporal Històric EN


Exhibition '130 years of struggles and conquests'

MUME Hall Space, from June 21 to July 7

On June 21, a memorial ceremony and the inauguration of the traveling exhibition '130 years of struggles and conquests' will take place at the MUME, on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the founding of the UGT.

With the presence of:

Jordi Font, director of the Democratic Memorial,

Sonia Martínez, Mayor of La Jonquera,

Camil Ros and Josep Maria Álvarez, General Secretaries of UGT in Catalonia and Spain.

This exhibition can be visited at the MUME from June 21 to July 7, 2019.

The traveling exhibition, created on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the union's founding, consists of a dozen panels, historical and thematic, with the aim of reviewing the main milestones of the union in the years of protests, under the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, with the arrival of the Second Republic, during the Civil War, at the time of the underground and the exile of UGT by the Franco dictatorship. It continues with the arrival of democracy and the legalization of the union, the 80s when the UGT is the first trade union force, and until the most modern stage, with new social challenges, alternatives to get out of the crisis and the recovery of rights labor.

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