Presentation of the books: Quico Sabaté i la guerrilla anarquista and Oriol Solé Sugranyes

Presentation of the books: Quico Sabaté i la guerrilla anarquista and Oriol Solé Sugranyes
Sam, 22. avril 2017
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Presenttion of the books: "Quico Sabaté i la guerrilla anarquista" (Quico Sabaté and the anarchist guerrilla)(2015) and "Oriol Solé Sugranyes" (2016)

MUME, April 22,2017 from 11 to 13h 


Presentation of the book by Ricard de Vargas Golarons "Quico Sabaté and the Anarchist Guerrilla" (Ed. Descontrol, 2015)

Through the figure of Francesc Sabaté Llopart, we try to approach the phenomenon of the urban and anarchist guerrilla struggle, carried out in Catalonia, since the end of the Spanish Civil War. This struggle will be a reference for the next generation of anti-Franco fighters, as well as for guerrilla groups in various countries in South America, during the 60s and 70s. With this book we not only aim for a historical recovery. We think that this experience of struggle can provide elements of reflection that help to face the struggle of the present and the future of the new generations

Book presentation by Oriol Solé Sugranyes "Oriol Solé Sugranyes, 40 years later. Writings of Oriol and for Oriol" (Ed. Descontrol, 2016)

On the morning of April 6, 1976, forty years ago today, Oriol Solé Sugranyes was shot dead by the Civil Guard, a few meters from the border with the French state, in the Navarrese territory of Euskal Herria. very close to freedom, the day after he escaped from the prison in Segovia with 28 more prisoners. Oriol, a former member of the MIL and a colleague of Salvador Puig Antich, from a very young age maintained a commitment to freedom, a fierce fight against all forms of exploitation and oppression, in a social context dominated by the imposition of capitalism supported by the Franco dictatorship.

There will also be a screening of the documentary "The Maquis in Catalonia (1939-1963)", directed by Jaume Serra and scripted by Ricard de Vargas Golarons and broadcast on TVE de Catalunya in 1988). It is a documentary from 1988 in which the origin, development and annihilation of those who opted for the armed struggle as a protest against the Franco regime was explained.

For more information, the publisher Editorial Descontrol and the following websites:

Romanço del Quico Sabaté (Jaume Arnella, 2016)

Let's remember:

The maquis in Catalonia (Oct. 26, 2009)

Memòries de la Tele re-broadcasts this week the series "El maquis a Catalunya", one of the first outreach programs that reconstructed historical events with extras. Its director, Jaume Serra Fontelles, explains the difficulties they went through filming seven chapters dedicated to anarchist guerrillas who wanted to overthrow Franco's dictatorship with sabotage. "El maquis a Catalunya" describes the list of those people who resisted until 1963 hidden in the woods or in the city defending their ideals.


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