Presentation of the book: L'architecture inquietée par l'oeuvre d'art. Mémorial Dani Karavan

Presentation of the book: L'architecture inquietée par l'oeuvre d'art. Mémorial Dani Karavan
Sam, 18. mars 2017
Altres Activitats Històric EN


The MUME (Memorial Museum of Exile) and the Passatges de Cultura Contemporània Association, in Portbou, invite you to the

Architecture evening / Soirée d'Architecture

with the presentation of the book:

"Architecture disturbed by the work of art. Dani Karavan Memorial in Portbou" under the direction of Bruno Queysanne (Éditions de l'Espérou, Montpellier, 2015).

With the presence of the authors Guy Desgranchamps, Patrick Thépot and Fréderique Villemur, from Éditions de l'Espérou in Montpellier.

The book will be presented by the architect Jordi Casadevall, UNESCO Heritage Adviser, regular collaborator of the Italian architect Andrea Bruno and professor of projects at the La Salle School of Architecture at Ramon Llull University.

The event will take place in Portbou, on Saturday 18 March 2017, from 7.30 pm, at the Portbou Cafè restaurant (Carrer Frederic Marés, 9) in Portbou, where a "tapas" tasting will take place.

Reservations: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. 972.39.01.86. Price: EUR 21.50.

Tasting menu information (download link)

Limited capacity.

virtual visitfra1 250p




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