Routes of the "Retirada", 2011

Routes of the "Retirada", 2011
Dis, 12. Febrer 2011 - Diu, 20. Febrer 2011
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Routes of the "Retirada". Commemoration of the Republican Exile, 2011

From February 12-20, 2011 

This cross-border commemoration of the Republican exile will celebrate different events from February 12 to 20, 2011  La Jonquera, Argelers, Banyuls and Cotlliure.


Saturday, 12, La Jonquera

Concert "Les cançons dels brigadistes" (The Songs of the Brigadists) by Brossa String Quartet

Place and time: MUME, at 19h.

Free entrance. 

Thursday, 17, Argelers

Inauguration of the exhibition: "10 ans de commémorations de la Retirada à Argelers" (Ten years commemorating the "Retirada" in Argelers)

Place and time: CIDER (Espace Jules Pams, Valmy), at 18h.

Lecture and presentation of the book by Gregory Tuban i Felip Solé "Camp d'Argelers, 1939-1942", Cossetània Edicions.

Place and time: CIDER (Espace Jules Pams, Valmy), at 18'30h.

Followed by an apéritif

Projection of the film "L'exode d'un peuple" (36 min.) by Louis Llech and Louis Isambert (Cinemateca Euroregional-Institut Jean Vigo)

Place and time: Casa de l'Albera (Plaça dels Castellans, Argelers), from 10 to 12h and from 14h to 18h, from February 17h to 19h

Friday, 18, Argelers

Lecture "La judicarisation  peut-elle panser le passé traumatique de l'Espagne contemporaine?", by Mari-Carmen Rodriguez, Doctoral student from the FNS, University of Friburg and University of Oviedo.

Place and time: Salle des Aigles (Espace Jules Pams, Valmy), at 18h.

Concert (Harp duo) by Anouk Solatges and Marguerite Cano

Place and time: Salle des Aigles (Espace Jules Pams, Valmy), at 18h.

Saturday, 19, Banyuls

Symbolic march from the Coll de Banyuls to the village of Banyuls; inauguration of monolit at the Coll de Banyuls.

Place and time: Coll de Banyuls, at 9,15h.

Exhibition: "Memorial Retirada" by Philippe Domergue, plastics artist.

Exhibition: "Imatges de la repressió franquista" at the Museu d'Història de Catalunya, Barcelona.

Forum of differents memorial associations of the Republican exile and commemorative places. 

Anti-Franco Bookfair 

Place and time: Espace Jean Carrère, Argelers, at 10h.

Homage of the Town Council of Argelers at the Cemetary of the Spanish

Place and time: Cementiri dels Espanyols, Avinguda de la Retirada, Argelers, at 15h

Declaration "Memoria i justícia" in favour of a judicial, ethical and political combat of the associations for the recuperation of historic memory. 

Place and time: Espace Jean Carrère, Argelers, at 16h.

Projection of the documentary: "Els nens perduts del franquisme" (The lost children of Francoism), by  Montserrat Armengou.

Place and time: Espace Jean Carrère, Argelers, at 18h.

Apéritif and recital by the Andalouse singer Lucía Sócam with her show "Verdades escondidas".

Place and time: Espace Jean Carrère, Argelers, at 10h. Entrance fee: 10 €.

Sunday, 20, Cotlliure

Events of the Fundació Antonio Machado (welcome, presentation of the international award "Antonio Machado", floral offering at the tumb of the poet and theatrical show (poetry and guitar)  "Les Baladins d'Icare").

Place and time: Centre Cultural,  carrer Michelet, Cotlliure, de 9h to 15h.

For more information: 

FFREEE (Fils et Filles de Républicains Espagnols et Enfants de l'Exode) Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la. / / / Tel. 0033 (0) 468958503 Espace Jules Pams, Route de Valmy, 66700 Argelers 

CIDER (Centre d'Interprétation et Documentation sur l'Exil et la Retirada) Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la.

Organized by:  

FFREEE, CIDER, MUME, Town Councils of Argelers, Cotlliure, Banyuls, Consell General dels Pirineus Orientals, Regió Llenguadoc-Rosselló i Cinemateca Euroregional-Institut Jean Vigo (Perpinyà).

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