Art and memory: Nora Ancarola

Art and memory: Nora Ancarola
Dis, 17. Febrer 2018 - Diu, 1. Juliol 2018
Art i memòria històric EN


Art and memory: Nora Ancarola

Lead-Silver. Mandatory drifts

Artist's book. Video. W.B.

Exhibition from February 17 to July 1, 2018

Plom-Plata is an archive that contains 17 projects related to the forced drifts of the uprooted, from which they have had to leave involuntarily from their place of origin (The rooting, ¿Dónde durmieron nuestros abuelos?). It also deals with the tragic migratory drifts that have very little to do with the Baudelian “flâneur” and if, on the other hand, they are closer to the Benjaminian walker, the intimate and non-transferable moments: Lead moments (The Kafkaesque suitcase, Trauma, Image and memory).

Each file refers to some fact of the past, which is contrasted with a present that leads us to reflect on the problem of contemporary genocides and their vital consequences. Stories are short stories that define the difficult fit between individual trajectories and collective events (The Historical Narrative, The Power of the Image, Silver River).

The work, on the one hand, is conceived as a modest exercise in recovering utopias (City of the Immigrant, The Zamenhof Utopia) and visualizing new proposals for reflection on the environment around reality (The foreboding, Discomfort Management, Homes for Everyone); on the other, it is articulated in the form of a personal tribute to those who suffered the consequences of wars and exile, two structural elements of our contemporary societies.

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