Exhibition: Ressorgiment, 100 years

Exhibition: Ressorgiment, 100 years
Dis, 17. Desembre 2016 - Diu, 29. Gener 2017
Exposició Temporal Històric EN


Exhibition: Ressorgiment, 100 years 

December 17, 2016 to January 29, 2017 

The MUME will host from December 17 the exhibition "100 years of Resurrection", produced by the City of Port de la Selva and which highlights the magazine in Catalan published in exile that lasted longer. Among its promoters were Hipòlit Nadal and Mallol, a cultural activist who had been born in Port de la Selva.

The exhibition can be visited until January 29, 2017.

‘Ressorgiment’ is a Catalan publication published by the neighbor of the Port de la Selva, Hipòlit Nadal, when he was in exile in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The magazine Ressorgimento was created in Buenos Aires, Argentina, just a hundred years ago. It was published, in Catalan and on a monthly and uninterrupted basis, over fifty-six years. In fact, it is the longest-running magazine in Catalan published in exile. To commemorate that this year marks the centenary of its founding, and as part of the festivities, the Port de la Selva City Council has created an exhibition that reviews the role played by this Catalanist magazine and, at the same time, pays tribute to Hipòlit Nadal i Mallol, the town's only favorite son, creator of the publication and one of the founders, along with Manuel Cairol, Francesc Colomer and Luis Arias.

In August 1916, the magazine Ressorgimento appeared in Buenos Aires; founded by four colleagues: Manuel Cairol, Francesc Colomer, Luis Arias and Hipòlit Nadal i Mallol within the framework of the Casal Català in Buenos Aires. Nadal soon remained as the sole director leading the publication with great rigor. On the occasion of the centenary of the Resurrection, the Port de la Selva and the Alt Empordà have wanted to pay tribute once again to Hipòlit Nadal i Mallol, the creator of the publication. This tribute begins with the dissemination of the Christmas play and the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Resurrection, through an exhibition. Ressorgiment appeared monthly, from 1916 to 1972, without interruptions and entirely in Catalan.

The exhibition, which will be hosted by the MUME, is nourished by the material preserved in the collection of the municipal library of Port de la Selva. The Culture Technician, Isabel Buscató, who is its curator, highlights the strong popular repercussion that the magazine had in the early years. "It was a publication with a Catalanist content with a pro-independence tendency that, in a short time, became a reference point for Catalanism and a means of expression for Catalans in America," explains Buscató, recalling how, six years after its publication, , a public tribute was paid to him where many Casals Catalans took part.

In the exhibition, you can see the illustration that was made that year of celebration, a drawing that showed all the covers of that 1922.

The exhibition has a great impact on the important role played by Christmas. The son of a family of port fishermen and a tailor, he left for Buenos Aires in 1912. He was a man with many interests in the field of politics and enjoyed writing. For this reason, he soon contacted the Casal Català in the Argentine capital. From there, he promoted and directed, with great rigor, the magazine, which supported its basic pillars in the defense of culture and language as a backbone of Catalan identity. In this sense, Ressorgiment, which in Catalonia could be read clandestinely, stopped being published due to its advanced age and, also, due to budgetary issues. The exhibition presents different covers of the magazine - each year its design was commissioned from a renowned illustrator in the Catalan community and was reproduced every month - as well as part of the correspondence he maintained with his friends such as Antoni Costa.

Biography of Hippolytus Nadal and notes on the magazine "Ressorgiment".

Information extracted from:



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