ACCA Award to the best patrimonial initiative given the the "Associació Catalana de Crítics d'Art" (Catalan Association of Art Critics)

ACCA Award to the best patrimonial initiative given the the "Associació Catalana de Crítics d'Art" (Catalan Association of Art Critics)
Dil, 26. Març 2012
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Award to the best patrimonial initiative given by the Catalan Association of Art Critics  (ACCA)


On March 26, 2012, the MUME the award to the best patrimonial iniciative from the Catalan Association of Art Critics (ACCA). 
The ceremony took place in the auditorium of the MACBA, in Barcelona, and counted with the presence of the Director of the MUME, Jordi Font and the President of the Consortium MUME and Mayor of La Jonquera, Sònia Martínez.

En representació del MUME hi van assistir

Sònia Martínez, Alcaldessa de La Jonquera i Presidenta del Consorci del MUME, Jordi Font, Director del MUME,

Joaquim Maria Puigvert, Vicerector de Relacions Institucionals, Societat i Cultura de la Universitat de Girona (UdG) i

Jordi Cabezas, exalcalde de La Jonquera i expresident del Consorci del MUME.

The Catalan Association of Art Critics (ACCA) gave the MUME the award for the best Patrimonial iniciative (Ex aequo). The ACCA awards are decided by vote from all members of the ACCA on a list of pre-sellected installations, iniciatives, projects and exhibitions from throughout Catalonia.
This award recognises the task of the MUME in recovering the memory tied with the episode of the exile and, specially, insists on the patriomonial relevance the programme of the MUME has acquired each season. And above all, it emphasises on all that has relation to recovering the artistic activity during that historical moment, works that have the potential to reflect and transmit the concentrational experience and the wounds caused by the exile in general.
For more information:
In this link you will find 66 photographs of the award ceremony PREMIS ACCA 2011. They are in chronological order. Photographs by Enrique Pinto.


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