International Seminar: Republican Exile in the Maghreb: Comparative Perspectives

International Seminar: Republican Exile in the Maghreb: Comparative Perspectives
Div, 18. Novembre 2011
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International Seminar: Republican Exile in the Maghreb: Comparative Perspectives


Friday 18th November 2011, Faculty of Humanities, UdG, Girona

Sala de Graus. Facultat de Lletres. Universitat de Girona

Plaça Ferrater Mora, 1. Girona

The International Seminar Republican Exile in the Maghreb: Comparative Perspectives, jointly organised by the research groups History, Memory, Identities, UdG, and the Study Group on History of Cartography, which has the participation of Professor Villanova from UdG and MUME (Exile Memorial Museum), responds to the interdisciplinary work approach of the organisers who come from different fields of research and education and also to the particular relation established between UdG and MUME.


9.45 h: Presentation of the seminar and opening speeches
10 h: Anna Maria Garcia Rovira (UdG), The XXth century and the concentration camps
10.45 h: Bechir Yazidi (Université de Tunis – Manouba, Tunisia), El exilio de los republicanos españoles en Túnez: ¿forma de represión, forma de resistencia?
11.30 h: Coffee break.
11.45 h: Eloy Martín Corrales (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), El exilio republicano en Argelia.
12.30 h: Mimoun Aziza (Université de Meknès, Marroc), El exilio republicano español en Marruecos y la lucha política contra el franquismo
13.15 h: Debate

Organised by:
- Grup de recerca “Història, Memòria, Identitats”. Seminari Permanent d’Estudis Polítics i Culturals. Institut de Recerca Històrica. Universitat de Girona
- Museu Memorial de l’Exili

Supported by:
- Departament d’Història i Història de l’Art de la Universitat de Girona
- Fundació Privada: Girona, Universitat i Futur

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