Memorial Democràtic Conference- Càtedra Walter Benjamin 2019: 'THE WORLD OF TODAY From historical fascism to postmodern reactionarianism and the new populism CHALLENGES FOR THE POLITICS OF MEMORY'

Memorial Democràtic Conference- Càtedra Walter Benjamin 2019: 'THE WORLD OF TODAY From historical fascism to postmodern reactionarianism and the new populism CHALLENGES FOR THE POLITICS OF MEMORY'
Dic, 27. Novembre 2019 - Dis, 30. Novembre 2019
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Col·loqui Memorial Democràtic - Càtedra Walter Benjamin 2019

THE WORLD OF TODAY From historical fascism to postmodern reactionarianism and the new populism CHALLENGES FOR THE POLITICS OF MEMORY

Barcelona - Portbou, 27-30 november 2019

 Colloqui Int Memorial Democratic WB 001r

The current political scene is marked by a rise and the consolidation of a variety of populist propositions around the world and the resurgence of authoritarian political forms that, in many cases, appear in the public sphere which are the successors to historical fascisms. These propositions all share a simplification in their political discourse, schematisation of public debates and the support of direct and hard-hitting solutions to complex problems.

This is global phenomenon that affects nearly every liberal democracy, with the particular characteristics of each country differing according to its history or current political and economic context. This phenomenon can be seen in countries ranging from the United States, the United Kingdom, Hungary, Italy, Germany, Austria, Finland and Spain to Nicaragua, Brazil, Venezuela, Russia, Turkey, India and the Philippines - just to cite a few that are witnessing a rise in authoritarian and populist tendencies. It is undoubtedly a global trend that is in expansion and whose consequences are unpredictable.

The principal aim of this international conference is to debate the concepts of fascism, the new reactionarianism, authoritarianism, and populism as well as to present, through the participation of numerous experts, cases of political projects that have adopted or are adopting these characteristics. Similarly, this political phenomenon will be considered in relation to the role played by the media, social networks, education and public memory policies.

How the media ecosystem and social networks - often seen as self-communication of the masses - relate to the proliferation of these political options and ways of understanding the world is just one of the many critical questions to be posed. Another issue of great relevance is the position of public memory policies vis-à-vis the emergence of these political ideologies which threaten individual and collective freedoms, as well as liberal democracy itself. Can we guarantee that history will not repeat itself? What is the significance of misrepresentations and manipulation of history or the trivialisation of political attitudes and concepts inherited from a recent past marked by violent and traumatic episodes?

With a cross-cutting focus and from the disciplines of political sciences, history, philosophy and journalism, this international conference will explore approaches and pose the questions that will help us to establish an accurate analysis of the political complexity of the contemporary political scene.


Wednesday, 27 November Barcelona. MACBA Auditorium

Opening session

6:00 p.m. Institutional presentations

6:30 p.m. Black shadows of sovereignty. Xenophobic nationalism and new fascisms in the 21st century West. Donatella Di Cesare (Sapienza Università di Roma)


Thursday, 28 November Barcelona. MACBA Auditorium

Morning session: conferences

9:15 a.m. Welcome 9:30 a.m. The world of yesterday: the crisis of European liberalism and the resurgence of fascism. Maximiliano Fuentes (UdG)

10:15 a.m. Long-running fascisms? The special cases of Spain and Portugal. Carme Molinero (UAB). António Costa Pinto (Institute of Social science – University of Lisbon)

11:45 a.m. Break

12:15 p.m. After the dictatorship: The extreme right in Spain (1975-2019). Xavier Casals (URL)

Afternoon Session: Round Table

4:00 p.m. Table 1 Politics in the era of mass self-communication: the media and the social media environment. Paola lo Cascio (UB), Gemma Ubasart (UDG), Albert Chillón (UAB) Montserrat Nebrera (UIC). Moderator: Ramon Pellicer (journalist)

5:30 p.m. Table 2 Spain’s democratic transition 40 years on and the challenge of populist politics. Álvaro Soto (UAM), Marta Rovira Martínez (UOC/UAB), Francesc Marc Álvaro (journalist), Pere Ysàs (UAB). Moderator: Ricard Conesa (historian)

Friday, 29 November Barcelona. MACBA Auditorium

Morning session: conferences

9:30 a.m. The consolidation of fascist and fascistising projects, 1922-1945. Joan Maria Thomas (URV)

10.15 a.m. A moment of populism against neoliberalism, or a moment of neofascism within neoliberalism? Èric Fassin (Université Paris-8)

11:00 a.m. Break

11:30h a.m. New reactionary experiences: the defeat of liberalism and the algorithmic sentimentalisation of democracy. José Maria Lassalle (ICADE, Madrid)

12:15 p.m. Table 3 Memorial heritage, expository context and pedagogy: Do spaces of memory act as preventives? Montserrat Duch (URV), Jordi Guixé (EUROM), Agnès Sajaloli (Memorial du Camp de Rivesaltes) and Jens-Christian Wagner (Lower Saxony Memorial Sites Foundation). Moderator: Sílvia Marimon (journalist) Afternoon Session: Round Table

4.00 p.m. Table 4 Implementation of public memory policies. Experience and practices vis-à-vis the challenge of authoritarian radicalism and revisionism. Ricard Vinyes (UB), Aintzane Ezenarro, (director of Gogora, Institute for Memory), Jordi Font Agulló (director of Memorial Democràtic), Francisco Javier Giráldez (former general director of the department of Democratic Memory of Andalusia). Moderator: Josep Maria Muñoz (historian and journalist)

5:30 p.m. Closing Conference From fascists to reactionaries Josep Ramoneda (journalist, philosopher and writer)


Saturday, 30 November Portbou, meeting point: Tourist Office

8:00 a.m. Walter Benjamin Tour. Walking tour from Banyuls to Portbou Portbou. Sala La Congesta

6:00 p.m. 4th Walter Benjamin Memorial International Prize Ceremony, 2018-2019

6:30 p.m. Free concert (please reserve tickets): L’últim camí de Walter Benjamin. Musical and visual performance by Juliane Heinemann

 Cartell Portbou Logos V2 001r



-Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona MACBA

Plaça dels Àngels, 1, Barcelona

-Portbou (caminada Banyuls-Portbou). Sortida a les 8h amb bus des de l'Oficina de Turisme


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Memorial Democràtic de la Generalitat de Catalunya i Càtedra Walter Benjamin de la Universitat de Girona.

Amb la col·laboració de: Museu Memorial de l'Exili (MUME), European Obsevatory on Memories (EUROM), Fundació Solidaritat UB) i MACBA.

Amb el suport de : Ajuntament de Portbou, Naucoclea, Diputació de Girona, Ajuntament de Girona i Consell social de la Universitat de Girona.


More information at web del Memorial Democràtic.


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