Art and Memory: Ester Baulida

Art and Memory: Ester Baulida
Dis, 9. Març 2019 - Diu, 9. Juny 2019
Art i memòria històric EN


Ester Baulida



Exhibition from 9 March to 9 June 2019

Opening, Saturday 9 March, at noon


Ester Baulida presents the installation “Reconstruction” at the Exile Memorial Museum. With an elegant and subtle approach, the artist builds a physical and mental space encompassing reflection and cross-over dialogue without overlooking emotions. As suggested by the work’s title, this room, through which we can walk and stop, is a call to the possibility of redoing anything after damage, collapse or disorder.

Using objects taken from daily life, such as curtains and carpets, the artist proposes a kind of minimum dwelling prone to retreat although in no case can it be interpreted as cynical or evasive. On the contrary, this momentary retreat has an illuminating and reconstructing nature. From introspection and silence, it would seem as if it is possible to channel the wisdom acquired through the will to learn and the passage of time and, in this way, erect a poetics of healing. In other words, the attempt to articulate constructive behaviour and thought faced with the pain passed from generation to generation. A legacy of suffering that goes beyond the arena of sociability and, in its process of transmission, can even take on a genetic nature.

The assumption of the significance of the recent past replete with catastrophes and violence, as well as a present that appears as a factory of unease, does not lead the artist to an existential nihilism. The exercise in active memory and the experience become the channels for a fundamental encounter of dignity and respect for diversity. A path, therefore, that begins with reflection and knowledge which, distancing itself from univocity, includes diverse perspectives as symbolically illustrated – and with a decorative appearance – by the printed image seen on the installation. Everything seeks to create the belief that reparation is only feasible from a multifaceted optic. This involves including in a complex narrative the incomplete and fragmented story – the low voices of the past – of humankind exposed to horror and authoritarian temptations. Faced with the impossibility of ceasing to be heirs, the artist formulates an outline of a hosting structure based on the critical re-reading and rehabilitation of the past. In the end, an imaginary place that combines the balance between the principle of hope and the principle of responsibility.

In the form of a playful and friendly space, the work “Reconstruction” invites us, through deliberation and feeling, to heal what endures in memory as fractured and unhealed. Memory, resilience and reconciliation are the pillars of the artwork included in the MUME section “Art and Memory”.

Art and Memory. Contemporary Artistic Initiatives 

This space is devoted to the periodical exhibition of contemporary artistic initiatives based on the relations between art and memory – individual and collective – associated with historical and political events. In this respect, priority is given to those works that, based on a documentary, emotional and reflective perspective, consider the function and influence that memory and the figure of the witness can have both in understanding 20th century history and in a possible critical approach to the complexity of today’s world.

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