2nd training conferences for guides, educators and officers in Catalan memorial sites (Sort, Pallars Sobirà)

2nd training conferences for guides, educators and officers in Catalan memorial sites (Sort, Pallars Sobirà)
Mar, 28. Septiembre 2010 - Vie, 1. Octubre 2010
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

2nd training conferences for guides, educators and officers in Catalan memorial sites (Sort, Pallars Sobirà)

On 28, 29 and 30 September and 1 October in Sort (Pallars Sobirà), the second of these training sessions will take place for guides educators and officers and all those who wish to deepen their knowledge of the memorial heritage and the possibilities of interpretation, communication and revitalisation of new projects in the field of the recovery and defence of memorial sites.

The conference is divided into four blocks and four days:

1. History and Memorial Heritage
2. Tourism and Dissemination  of the Memorial Heritage
3. Pedagogy and Memorial Heritage
4. Experiences of the Memorial Heritage in other territories

For more information, please consult the appropriate section of the website of the Democratic Memorial.

Coordinator: Josep Calvet
Course Director: Jordi Guixé
Organisers: Generalitat de Catalunya / Memorial Democràtic

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