Pedagogical Conferences MUME, 3rd Edition

Pedagogical Conferences MUME, 3rd Edition
Mar, 6. Julio 2010 - Jue, 8. Julio 2010
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

3rd MUME pedagogical conferences

The 3rd MUME pedagogical conference, as in the past, is aimed at primary and secondary school teachers. This year it was held on 6, 7 and 8 July 2010.

The conference is organised jointly by the MUME Education Service, Educ'art, ICE and University of Girona.

The theme is:

Educating with the word and image. The knowledge of the recent past from literary materials and audiovisual formats

Description of the contents of the 3rd MUME pedagogical conference:

6 July

10 am Presentation of the conference by Jordi Font (MUME) and Manel Cañigueral (ICE)

10.30 am Tales of War, by Vicenç Pagès (writer)

11.30 am Break

12 noon-1 pm The Myth of the Spanish Civil War and the Poetics of the Catalan War Novel by Xavier Pla, (Professor of Catalan Literature and Literary Theory, University of Girona)

1 pm Debate

1.30 pm Lunch

3.30 pm-5.30 pm Sample workshops: "News in Exile" and “Exile and Mass Media” in the MUME Classroom by the MUME Education Service

7 July

10 am Visit to the Memorial Exile Museum by the MUME Education Service

11.30 am Route: "The Exile of the Intellectuals. Collioure and Antonio Machado"

From La Jonquera, Collioure route, bus (or free picnic lunch at Collioure)

4 pm Return to La Jonquera

8 July

10 am Film as a witness to history: fiction as document by Àngel Quintana, (Professor of History and Film Theory, University of Girona)

11 am Break

11.30 am Auschwitz concentration camp and hoah? by Miguel Morey (Professor of Philosophy, University of Barcelona)

12.20 pm Against the official silence of Franco and democracy, by Xavier Montanyà (journalist and documentary filmmaker)

1.30 pm Lunch

3.30 pm Documentary screening: Black Memory by Xavier Montanyà

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