International Refugee Day 2018. Presentation of the documentary "El Periple. La vella llum d'Europa" (Mario Pons, 2017)

International Refugee Day 2018. Presentation of the documentary "El Periple. La vella llum d'Europa" (Mario Pons, 2017)
Vie, 15. Junio 2018
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

International Refugee Day 2018

Presentation of the documentary "The Journey. The old light of Europe" (Mario Pons, 2017) and subsequent debate with representatives of organizations working in the field of aid to refugees and immigrants.

Friday, June 15 at 7 pm, in the Porches of Can Laporta (Cultural Center of Can Laporta, La Jonquera)

In 2001, the United Nations, with the aim of raising awareness of the dramatic situation facing millions of people around the world due to their status as displaced persons and refugees, declared June 20 as International People's Day. Refugees. Forced displacement and immigration of all kinds end up being part of a serious problem that affects the entire international community and which, in recent years, has inevitably become present on Europe’s very borders. The obstacles, precariousness and bad weather of Algiers, Sant Cebrià and Barcarès in 1939 reappeared again in Lesbos, Idomani and Lampedusa.

"The Journey" (the old light of Europe) is a documentary by Mario Pons that reflects on the "decline" of the states of the European Union through the refugee crisis, but establishing "social and historical parallels" with the republican exile of 1939, the Franco dictatorship and the current situation of "internal blockade of the individual in the face of international warfare", explains the author himself.

Miquel, a senior veteran executive, is fired from the multinational where he works, he needs to change his life. Alfred's family is forced to leave their home, the world's tallest lighthouse is set on fire during the Spanish Civil War, the road to exile begins. Ammar, head of sales at a car factory in Damascus, is the leader of the Philippine refugee camp in Greece.

After the screening of the documentary, there will be a debate with the participation of:

Karim Sabni, Girona Acull platform

Marta Bordas Alfaro, social technician in the project First Reception of refugees of La Jonquera, Red Cross

Cèlia Fita Salellas, local coordinator and social technician, comprehensive reception project for immigrants, Red Cross.

Mario Pons, director of the documentary

Miquel Ruiz, photojournalist

Organized by: MUME and La Jonquera City Council

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