Routes of exile - Memories of exile (MUME, Argelès and Elne) 19 OCT 2019

Routes of exile - Memories of exile (MUME, Argelès and Elne) 19 OCT 2019
Sáb, 19. Octubre 2019
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

Routes of exile (3rd edition, 2019 - 2020). A day for memory

The MUME presents the third edition of the family outings or Routes of exile. A series of trips to different places linked to the exile of 1939, designed for individual users or small groups: friends, family, couple ...

Saturday, October 19

Memories of exile: MUME, Algiers and the Motherhood of Elna (6h)

After a brief visit to the Exile Memorial Museum, we will move to the beach of Argelès, where there was a large concentration camp for refugees from the Civil War. We will talk about the conditions of the camp and the consequences of internment; and, in the midst of all this darkness, we will discover the light of hope in Elna's Motherhood, an oasis of peace and solidarity in the midst of the despair of exile.

Meeting place: Exile Memorial Museum, La Jonquera

This route lasts 6 hours and does not include food.

19 oct ruta exili red


The next exit will be:

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Culture in exile: the Interpretation Center of the Catalan Cultural Exile and the Mina Canta

We will start the day with a visit to the Interpretation Center of the Catalan Cultural Exile of 1939, in Agullana, where we will discover the survival of Catalan culture in exile. Politicians, exiled Yertist writers who continued to support the republic of other parts of the world. We will enter the forests of La Vajol on foot to discover the Mina Canta, the place that hid the funds and currencies of the Banco de España, a common consignment of works from the Museo del Prado during the war.

Meeting place: Church Square, Agullana


Information to consider:

The planned schedule of activities is half day (10am to 2pm); except at the start of October, when a full-day route is planned (10am to 4pm).

Prior registration is required and the performance of the activity is subject to a minimum of registrants.

The trips are made in own transport of the participant / s and the food is not included.



Adult, 15 EUR

Young people aged 12 to 17, EUR 8

Free up to 11 years

€ 3 discount on the price for groups from 6 participants.

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