Art and memory: Mim Juncà

Art and memory: Mim Juncà
Sáb, 15. Junio 2019 - Dom, 10. Noviembre 2019
Art i memòria històric EN

Descripción del evento

Art and Memory: Mim Juncà

Notes on things that happen

From June 15 to November 10, 2019

Opening: Saturday, June 15 at 12pm.

Mim Juncà (Banyoles, 1959), painter, draftsman and illustrator


The artist, Mim Juncà, presents a personal diary based on graphic work in the format of single ink drawings. The diary uses external material, from the media in many cases – although not exclusively. However, it is not imaginary but records the broad reality to bring it into an intimate universe, which appears as a document of feelings, impressions and analogies constructed with graphic material that is so present in daily life that it is often underestimated or disregarded.

In Notes on Things that Happen, the images that seek to inform about the nature and state of the world are arranged as a mere accumulation of “data”, a kind of destruction of meaning. From an indigestible excess of information comes a quite unflattering chaos of drawn thoughts but that can be seen as a first attempt to understand what happens with the endless flow of images once it reaches the receiver. A figure, the receiver, often understood as the end of a route or a complete cycle of the communicative event in which there would be no room for reflection and critical production. The artist questions what remains of the torrential flow of information and iconography. In his hands, this drawn visual disorder takes on a second life. He suggests a reading both intense and disturbing of a contemporary world in which the media universe plays the role of maker of reality. 


Más información en:

-Mim Juncà, el poder del dibuix (Eudald Camps, 2011)

-Mim Juncà, trenta anys de paper i llapis (Eudald Camps, 2014).

-Viatge extra-ordinari. Entrevista a Mim Juncà, Bòlit, Girona, 2013)

-Entrevista El Punt Avui (2010)

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