Show "The Christmas that we did not come back at home"

Show "The Christmas that we did not come back at home"
Sáb, 18. Diciembre 2010
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

Show “The Christmas that we did not return home

Place: Room “Els Porxos de Can Laporta”, La Jonquera, December 18 at 6pm

Small show based on the book dealing with the short story of the first Christmas in exile, Christmas-1939, through a collection of prose and poems that were written then, and which were published in newspapers and magazines outside Catalonia.

"The Christmas that we did not come back at home" is an intimate, emotional show, of small formed, where the reading of texts of the first Christmas of exile and traditional songs Catalan is inserted. Fragments of articles of Eugeni Xammar, Carles Pi i Sunyer, Xavier Benguerel or of taken anonymous of the concentration camps, they are series of Christmas Carols like The boy of the mother or Santa Nit.

It is a matter of entertaining, with all the tenderness, the saddest Christmas of the Catalans that in December of 1939 had left a country behind.

Rapsoda: Albert Benzekry
Piano player: Imma Vidal
Tenor: Jordi Cortada

This show is based on the book El Nadal que no vam tornar a casa. 1939. El primer Nadal a l’exili, edited by Quim Torra, which includes texts by Francesc Trabal, Pere Carbonell Fita, Eugeni Xammar, Avel·lí Artis, Jordi Valles, Francesc Trabal, August Pi i Sunyer, Jordi d’Argent, Carles Pi i Sunyer, Emili Vigo, G. Sánchez Boxa, Pere Coromines, Ambrosi Carrion, Grace B. Lawrence, Ventura Gassol, Agustí Bartra, Joan Ferrer, Josep Pous i Pagès, Joan Oliver and Xavier Benguerel. It also includes items that concentration camp prisoners in Saint-Cyprien published in “L’Îlot de les Arts”, a magazine that was printed and distributed in the same camp, a copy of which is held at the archive of the Library Pavilion of the Republic (University of Barcelona, UB).


This is the latest book of A contra vent, a publisher headed by Quim Torra, who a few months ago also published Fantasmones Rojos. La venjança contra Catalunya, a collection of articles that, under that name, was published in the “National Solidarity” in 1939 and 1940.

Organisation: MUME and “Can Laporta” Cultural Centre (Cultural Services of the La Jonquera Town Council).

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