European Project Erasmus+ “Learning fron History... Planning the Future”

European Project Erasmus+ “Learning fron History... Planning the Future”
Mié, 3. Octubre 2018 - Dom, 7. Octubre 2018
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

European Erasmus + project “Learning fron History ... Planning the Future”

Journey to Catalonia, 3rd - 7th October 2018 Visit to Figueres, La Jonquera, Portbou and Girona.

A group of representatives of Italian and Austrian municipalities linked to this Erasmus project visited different cultural spaces and linked to democratic memory, with the participation of witnesses of the Republican exile such as Pilar Cabratosa, accompanied by Roser Raluy (MUME Educational Service) and Jordi Galí (professor at the INS Cendrassos in Figueres).

On October 5, 2018 they visited the MUME and participated as listeners in the afternoon session of the International Colloquium "Walter Benjamin" which took place at the Faculty of Education of the University of Girona. In relation to this colloquium, this Erasmus + project collaborated in the organization of the Colloquium, taking charge of part of the simultaneous translation into English.

This Erasmus + Project: Learning from history… planning the future together, in which the MUME and the INS Cendrassos of Figueres collaborate, is led by Bewusstsein Region (Mauthausen-Gusen-St. Georgen, Austria). 


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