II Edition International Award Memorial Walter Benjamin.

II Edition International Award Memorial Walter Benjamin.
Sáb, 3. Octubre 2015
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

II Edition International Award Memorial Walter Benjamin. Acknowledge of an unpublished essay. 

Called by the Consortium Museu Memorial de l’Exili, with thepatronage of the Diputació de Girona.

Date: October 3, 2015 

Place:  Museu Memorial de l’Exili (La Jonquera)



11:00 am: Opening of the Walter Benjamin exhibition. Exile constellations (from October 3 to November 22, 2015)

11:30 am: Reading of the jury verdict of the Second Edition of the Walter Benjamin International Memorial Award

12:00 pm: The Stage of Europe idea, by George Steiner, a monologue directed and performed by Òscar Intente, with the participation of the accordionist Ferran Martínez.

Activity co-organized by the Memorial Museum of the Exile and the House of the Generalitat in Perpignan, in collaboration with the Fundació Catalunya-Europa.

After evaluating the originals presented at this 2nd edition of the Walter Benjamin International Memorial Prize, the members of the jury have agreed to award the said prize, which is worth 4,500 euros, to the essay:

The songs of the exodus. Poetic figure of the republican exile, 1939

The author:  Jordi Julià

The Second Edition of the Walter Benjamin International Memorial International Essay Prize was won by Jordi Julià with an essay work, which deals with poetry written far from the Iberian Peninsula for much of the 20th century due to exile, receives the International Prize. Walter Benjamin Memorial "Recognition for Unpublished Essay Work."

The prize, convened by the Exile Memorial Museum Consortium in collaboration with the Walter Benjamin Chair, memory and exile, and which celebrates its second edition this year, was presented today, October 3, to the Exile Museum of La Jonquera. 

  • The prize is sponsored by the Diputació de Girona.

The jury was composed by Francesc Abad (visual artist), Xavier Antich (UdG), Pilar Parcerisas (exhibition curator, art critic and member of the CONCA), Angel Quintana (University of Girona), and Jörg Zimmer (University of Girona), has considered that essay work meets all the conditions that make it deserving of this recognition for the following reasons: 

"This is an essay that addresses the issue of poetic production in exile from an interdisciplinary perspective and with the parameters of comparative literature. Jordi Julià's text is notable mainly for its erudition and the critical apparatus that underpins it. This fruitful combination of scholarly theory and knowledge is evident in the way the author is able to weave various links and connections between literary works written in the context of republican exile and works by authors who have experienced in other situations. in exile in the twentieth century or in other historical periods. "


The songs of the exodus. Poetic figuration of the 1939 republican exile is an approximation to the poetry written far from the Iberian Peninsula during much of the twentieth century, and is an attempt to understand how expatriates knew how to formulate literally, thanks to the adoption and updating of traditional procedures and images and the creation of new resources, one of the oldest human situations and, at the same time, a common place in the history of ideas and culture, such as exile. This global approach that seeks to reflect on contemporary exile maintains a theoretical and comparative will maintained from the first to the last page, because in the end it seeks to identify, categorize, order and define different constant aspects between the literary productions of expats. of this period, and relate them to other earlier texts, to the tradition itself or to others. Not to mention, in some chapters, an eminently analytical and thematic perspective, as we study some of the reasons that Catalan expats used to construct their verses and to express literary feelings of dispossession and nostalgia.

Jordi Julià Garriga (Granollers, 1972) has a PhD in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He is currently Associate Professor of the Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature (Department of Spanish Philology, UAB). He is the author of several books. Recent works include Poetics of Exile (2011), The abrupt language. Mercè Rodoreda, a poet in exile (2013), L'ofici i el do. Poetry and aesthetic conceptions in the Catalan literature of the early nineteenth century (2014). He has also published numerous articles and book chapters, and has been responsible for various editions and anthologies.


II EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL AWARD MEMORIAL WALTER BENJAMIN, 2014-2015. Acknowledging an unpublished essay. 

In 2011, the Walter Benjamin International Memorial Prize was first convened by the Exile Memorial Museum Consortium (MUME). This year celebrates the Second Edition of this award, which is sponsored by the Diputación de Girona and the collaboration of the Walter Benjamin Chair, Memory and Exile of the University of Girona

The prize is based on the transversal nature of the work of the Judeo-German author. Specifically, the purpose of the call is to support the theoretical work carried out by professionals linked to the studies in art, photography, architecture, town planning, cinema, philosophy, history, literature, sociology ... In all cases , projects that have questions related to the history and memory of the twentieth century are considered a priority.

In an institutional act chaired by the Mayor of La Jonquera, together with representatives of the Diputació de Girona and the Generalitat de Catalunya, the work that was awarded the "Recognition for unpublished essay work" was presented, which has an endowment of 4,500 euros and will be published in an essay collection of the Walter Benjamin Chair, Memory and Exile. The jury's verdict - made by Francesc Abad (visual artist), Xavier Antich (University of Girona), Jordi Llovet (UPF), Pilar Parcerisas (Exhibition curator, art critic and member of the CONCA), Angel Quintana (University of Girona). of Girona), and Jörg Zimmer (University of Girona) - has been made public at 11:30 after the Walter Benjamin exhibition has opened. Exile constellations.

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