Presentation of the book: Rafel Ramis (1880-1936). Catalanista, republicà, socialista, by Joan Armangué

Presentation of the book: Rafel Ramis (1880-1936). Catalanista, republicà, socialista, by Joan Armangué
Dom, 4. Noviembre 2018
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

Presentation of the book by Joan Armangué: Rafel Ramis (1880-1936). Catalanist, republican, socialist and Freemason (Edicions Cal·lígraf, 2018).

Sunday, November 4, 2018, at 12 noon in the pedagogical classroom of the MUME.

The director of the MUME, Jordi Font, the historian Albert Testart and the author of the book, Joan Armangué, will take part in the presentation.

If we wanted to summarize the personality and trajectory of Rafael Ramis i Romans (Figueres, 1880-1936) in a nutshell, we would run the risk of escaping the depth and richness of everything it represents. Ramis has been a teacher, journalist and cultural activist. He also worked as a republican politician: he was a socialist councilor, trade unionist and a great promoter of Catalanism. Exiled to Paris, during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, he became a trusted man of Francesc Macià. Finally, his defense of secularism, freedom of conscience and equal treatment between people, would lead him to join Freemasonry.

Ramis was a man of values ​​and ideals. A man who worked in the service of republicanism, socialism and Catalanism, always with the desire to build a better and fairer country. Despite all the work done, in his three living spaces, Figueres, Paris and Barcelona, ​​his figure and his work have fallen into oblivion and, in some way, this book wants to help recover and disseminate his career. and to help fill in some of the gaps that, unfortunately, still present the stories about the recent history of our country.

Text: Joan Armangué Ribas

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