International Museum Day 2018

International Museum Day 2018
Vie, 18. Mayo 2018 - Dom, 20. Mayo 2018
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

International Museum Day 2018

-Open day on 18, 19 and 20 May 2018

-Activity We connect the museums of the region (A Museum region).

The network of museums in the Altemporda region “Una Comarca de Museu” promotes a joint activity giving visibility to eight pieces from its collections on the occasion of International Museum Day 2018.

May 18 is International Museum Day, a world event organized since 1977 by the International Council of Museums (ICOM). This 2018 edition is presented under the motto "Hyperconnected museums. New approaches, new audiences", recognizing the connections that museums establish with the community, its cultural landscape or its natural environment. Undoubtedly, new technologies allow museums reaching beyond their usual audience through something as simple as a hashtag, while presenting their collections in a different and totally innovative way, attracting new audiences and overcoming the limitations of space and time.

The theme of this 2018 DIM focuses on the opportunity for museums to seek new approaches and new audiences through analysis, consolidation, and connection building. Beyond the use and exploitation of new technologies, museums are increasingly participating in their immediate environment, working with the local community and developing collaborative projects with new segments of the public that also establish connections..

International Museum Day, a world event organized since 1977 by the International Council of Museums, consists of a multitude of cultural proposals: open days, itineraries and visits, night tours, etc. in most museums around the world. The museum network Una Comarca de Museu joins, with activities scheduled between 18 and 20 May, which can be referred to with the following hashtags: #comarcademuseu # DIM2018 # IMD2018 # diainternacionaldelsmuseus2018

On this occasion, the joint action Connectem els musees de la comarca is presented, which consists of choosing a piece from each of the museums that has a link with another museum in the network. Each museum will place a work in a preferred location in its facilities that links to or connects with the collection or theme of another museum.

The pieces chosen by the different museums are drawings, sculptures, tools, games, toys and utensils that serve to establish a link with another museum:

Museu de l'Empordà: Drawing by Josep Bartolí "Les cues durante la Guerra", c. 1940.

Exile Memorial Museum: Beef bone domino game from the Agde concentration camp (France, 1939).

Toy Museum of Catalonia: Toy sewing machine (Germany, 1900).

Museu de la Tècnica de l'Empordà: Portable Singer sack sewing machine (model 35K 1), USA, 1915.

Ecomuseum Farinera -Castelló d'Empúries: Lligadora de garbes, s. XX.

Anchovy and Salt Museum: Gambina, s. XX.

Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya -Empúries: Articulated pottery doll from the Greek period (5th century BC- 4th century BC).

Ciutadella de Roses Museum: Bronze statuette of the god Mercury: s. II dC.

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