Route: Bunkers of Franco

Route: Bunkers of Franco
Sáb, 7. Diciembre 2019
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

Exile Routes (3rd edition, 2019-2020)

A day for the memory

October 2019 - June 2020

The MUME presents the third edition of the family outings or Routes of exile. A series of exits to different linked places of the exile of 1939, designed for individual users or small groups: friends, family, couple ...

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The fortifications of Franco: the bunkers of La Jonquera

After a visit to the Exile Memorial Museum, we will discover and enter some of the over 30 bunkers in La Jonquera: buildings and military works hidden in the landscape. Settlements of machine guns and anti-tank guns ready to stop a possible external military invasion during the 1940's.

Meeting place: Memorial Museum of the Exile, La Jonquera


To consider:

The scheduled schedule of the activities is half day (10am to 2pm); except for the departure in October, which provides for a full-day route (10am to 4pm).

Prior registration is required and the activity is subject to a minimum number of participants.

The journeys are made by the participant's own transport and lunch is not included.



Adult, EUR 15

Young people from 12 to 17 years old, EUR 8

Free up to 11 years

Discount of EUR 3 in the price for groups from 6 participants.

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