Closing ceremony of the educational project "Albera sense frontera" (The Albera without borders)

Closing ceremony of the educational project "Albera sense frontera" (The Albera without borders)
Jue, 28. Junio 2012
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

Closing ceremony of the teaching project  "Albera sense frontera" (The Albera without borders)

The MUME hosted last June 28, 2012 the closing ceremongy of the crossborder exchange teaching project “Albera without borders”.

This pedagogic project has as objective a crossborder collaboration. Following the opening of cracks, it wants to help the teaching community to know itself better, to share the rich natural and historic patrimony, to be more aware of the neighbouring territory and culture and, for sure, to understand better the reality that surrounds and educates them. 

The closing of the course was an snack-conversation in the middle of the Albera, at the MUME, the Exile Museum in La Jonquera. This event, as at the previous ones, gathered those responsable of the Territorial Services of Girona, of the Language Service and Educational Service of the Alt Empordà and the Inspection of the Acadèmia de Perpinyà.

More information at this link: 

Information about the Educational Service of the Alt Empordà, from CANAL NORD (November, 2011):

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