Act of homage in memory of Joan Peiró

Act of homage in memory of Joan Peiró
Vie, 16. Febrero 2018
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

Act of homage in memory of Joan Peiró. 75 years since his death

Friday, February 16 at 11 am Temporary Exhibition Hall of the MUME

Organized by: MUME and UdG (Department of Contemporary History)

Joan Peiró (1887-1942), born in the Sants district of Barcelona, ​​was one of the most important men of Spanish anarchism. He was Secretary General of the CNT in the 1920s and Minister of Industry for a few months in the midst of the Civil War (November 1936-May 1937). In the course of his career before the Civil War he was arrested and imprisoned several times and had to hide and leave the country. During the Civil War, without neglecting his anarchist militancy, he was highly critical of the crimes and abuses committed in the name of the revolution in the Republican rear. After the war, he went into exile in France where he was arrested and transferred to Germany. From the Germanic country he was extradited to Franco's Spain. Imprisoned and harassed, in July 1942 he was executed in Paterna.


11am Audiovisual "Peiró 42" (30 minutes, Clack Audiovisual, SCCL, 2017) Direction: Eloi Aymerich; Musical direction: Maria Salicrú-Maltas

A man sentenced to death receives the offer to save his life if he renounces his ideas and joins the enemy. He rejects it and is murdered. What justifies the sacrifice? Can the death of a man or a woman be understood? Peiró42 is a documentary short film in which the values ​​of anarcho-syndicalism, cooperativism and the Republic are presented in the first person, based on fictional scenes, interviews, archive images and the recovery of original documentary sources.

This audiovisual has been released on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the execution of the anarcho-syndicalist and cooperativist Joan Peiró (1887-1942), an audiovisual proposal on the historical memory and values ​​of one of the most outstanding Mataro people of the 20th century. an initiative of the Citizen Commission to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the execution of Joan Peiró (1942-2017) with the collaboration of: Mataró City Council and the Democratic Memorial.

11:30 Lecture "Recovering the memory of Joan Peiró" by Chris Ealham, professor at Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus, and specialist in Iberian anarchism.

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