International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018

International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018
Lun, 29. Enero 2018
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

  • International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018

  • Exile Memorial Museum (La Jonquera)

  • Monday, Jan. 29, at 10 p.m.

  • Act for students on the occasion of the International Day of Remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust and the prevention of crimes against humanity.


    9.45am -10am. Arrival at the MUME

    10.15am- 11.45am. Lecture and debate with Dory Sontheimer (relative of deportees in the Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp and author of "The Seven Boxes" and "The Eighth Box")

    11.45am-12.15pm. Breakfast

    12.15pm-1.30pm. Watching the documentary "Las dos guerras del fotógrafo Boix" (Joan Sella, RTVE, 2015) and subsequent debate.

    Organized by: Democratic Memorial, Department of Education and Exile Memorial Museum.

    More information on other events organized throughout Catalonia for the International Day of Remembrance in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust

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