Description of legal entity

The Exile Memorial Museum Consortium is a public body constituted for the establishment and common management, in the town of La Jonquera, of the Museum under this name whose objective is the research on and exhibition, interpretation and dissemination of historical events related to exiles. Moreover, the Consortium has participated in the creation of the Walter Benjamin Chair Memory and Exile, attached to Girona University (UdG), whose aim is to be a permanent space for study, research on and dissemination of issues related to the philosopher Walter Benjamin, memory and exile.

The Consortium is a body governed by public law, has an associative and voluntary nature and its own legal personality differentiated from the bodies that form part of it, and has full capacity to act for the fulfilment of its aims, attached to the Government of Catalonia Administration.

The Exile Memorial Museum is formed by the following bodies:

a) La Jonquera Town Council

b) The Government of Catalonia Administration

c) L’Alt Empordà Regional Council

d) Girona University


The headquarters of the Consortium are in La Jonquera, in the same building as the Exile Memorial Museum, carrer Major, no. 43-47. In any case, the Consortium can establish services and offices in the municipality of La Jonquera, in other municipalities of Alt Empordà or in Girona University, when required to carry out its activities.

For more information, please refer to the ACORD DOGC GOV / 43/2015 of 24 March, by which the modification of the statutes of certain consortiums approved, majority-owned by the Generalitat de Catalunya.



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