Exhibition: Fugi(R)fugi - Empordoneses 2016

Exhibition: Fugi(R)fugi - Empordoneses 2016
Fri, 7. October 2016 - Sun, 6. November 2016
Exposició Temporal Històric EN


Exposició: fugi(R)fugi

Empordoneses 2016

7th Multidisciplinary collective exhibition


Exhibition from October 7 to November 6, 2016

Opening: Friday, October 7 at 8 p.m.

About thirty artists from different disciplines (painters, sculptors, performers, writers, dancers, etc.) present their creations, all of which have the same common thread: the concept of Refugee, given the humanitarian emergency situation in which he lives. Europe since last summer. It is for this reason that the name of the sample is fugiRfugi, making a play on words with the verb fugir and the concept of refuge. Empordoneses thus aims to promote debate and shake up consciences about a hot topic of the day.

The partiicpants of fugiRfugi are: M. Mercè Cuartiella, Mònica Grygier, Fiona Morrison, Clara Gassiot, Carme Sanglas, Tura Sanz Sanglas, Ramon Fort, Núria Surribas, Joan Casellas, Esther Julià, Mònica Quintana, Yvonne Heinnert, Ron de la Fuente, Ester Marcos, Lluís Bosch, Elisa Casanoves, Narcis Coderch, Montse Cufí, Jordi Casals, David Ruiz, Àngel Burgas, Mònica Soler Ranzani, Josep Pérez, Isabel Guzmán, Cristina Vilà, Miquel Duran and Jacint Casademont.

More information: 

Tramuntana tv

Empordoneses (Blog)

Setmanari Empordà (febrer 2016)

virtual visit eng1 250p




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