Presentaction of the book: República pagesa. Vindicació del catalanisme rabassaire, de Montserrat Tura

Presentaction of the book: República pagesa. Vindicació del catalanisme rabassaire, de Montserrat Tura
Sat, 19. October 2019
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Book presentation: Peasant Republic. Vindication of rabassaire Catalanism, by Montserrat Tura

MUME, Saturday, October 19 at 12 noon.

The presentation will be attended by the author, Montserrat Tura, the historian Joaquim Nadal, the actor and theater director Joan Ollé and the director of the MUME Alfons Quera.

“To love justice over all things, to worship dignity, to live honestly, to intervene directly in public life, to cultivate intelligence, to propagate instruction and knowledge, to work, to save, to protect the weak, and not to seek it benefits itself at the expense of the prejudice of other humble people ”.

Republican Decalogue of Can Pinyonaire

The family memoirs of Cal Pinyonaire, the name of the Tura house in Mollet, were published in 2018 after winning the Carles Rahola Essay Prize 2017 (Fundació Prudenci Bertrana, Girona).

These memoirs, above all, take us to the experience of republicanism from the small big protagonists of the second row, the almost anonymous ones, from the farmhouse, the vineyard, the union, the town hall, from the interior and also from of exile.

The book revolves around the figure of Montserrat Tura’s grandfather, Feliu Tura Vallderiola, a leader of the rabassaire movement at the turn of the 20th century who organized the farmers who cultivated vineyards, organized around the Unió Rabassaire. This union promoted self-managed cooperatives and applied advanced policies, which, according to the same author, Montserrat Tura, has often underestimated or silenced the country's official discourse. Feliu Tura was mayor of Mollet during the Second Republic and then spent 11 years in exile until he could return in 1949. He also gives a detailed description of the vicissitudes that Feliu Tura's children also had to go through. (Joan, Josep and Esteve) during the war and the Franco dictatorship.

In the book we can observe two clear lines that, at least, define the life of the author: the passion and dedication to Mollet, and the history of the rabassaire Catalanism during the Second Republic.

"The book explains what they did and what they achieved, but inevitably, it also explains what they did to them in times of repression."

Montserrat Tura i Camafreita (Mollet del Vallès, 1954) has a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona. After working at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, ​​he entered the Hospital de Palamós, where he first coordinated the Emergency Service and then became its director-manager. With a long political career, she was mayor of Mollet del Vallès, her town, for four terms. Member of the Parliament of Catalonia since 1995, with various responsibilities, she was Minister of the Interior (2003-2006) in the Catalanist and Left Government led by President Maragall and Minister of Justice (2006-2010) in the Government of Understood by President Montilla. In 2012 she left all the institutional and organic positions to return to her professional career as a doctor at the Hospital de Palamós.


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