Exposition: Antoni Campañà. The day after the Retirada: Portbou, 1939

Exposition: Antoni Campañà. The day after the Retirada: Portbou, 1939
Sat, 10. April 2021 - Sun, 26. September 2021
Exposició Temporal Històric EN


Exhibition: Antoni Campañà. The day after the Retirada: Portbou, 1939

From April 10 to September 26, 2021.

Opening: Saturday, April 10, 2021.

Campañà PORTBOU 1939 001.jpg red

Portbou, March 1939. A month ago, Franco's troops crossed the Franco-Catalan border in the Coll de Belitres, closing the drama of the Civil War in Catalonia. Where the Pyrenees sink into the Mediterranean Sea, the camera of the photographer Antoni Campañà (1906-1989) captures the complexities and parallel realities of the moment. As he traverses the Empordà and traces the silhouettes of the material remains of the Republican Retreat, he processes his itinerary during the war in the form of an interior self-portrait. Without concessions, he photographs himself discovering his absence.

Antoni Campañà was an important pictorialist photographer who has been rediscovered from the publication of "La caja roja" (Comanegra, 2019), a synthesis by Plàcid Garcia-Planes, Arnau Gonzàlez i Vilalta and David Ramos on Campañà's photographic backgrounds on the Civil War and the immediate postwar period, to which the images in this exhibition belong, which will be curated by Arnau Gonzàlez i Vilalta, historian and Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the UAB.

The exhibition has a catalog L'ENDEMÀ DE LA RETIRADA (THE DAY AFTER THE RETIRADA). Antoni Campañà. Portbou, 1939: self-portrait of the absence, coordinated by Arnau Gonzàlez i Vilalta and published by Comanegra that will be presented in the framework of the parallel activities of the exhibition.

This 2021 you can visit in Barcelona two other exhibitions with photographs by Antoni Campañà, which will also have several parallel activities:

-MNAC: La guerra infinita. Antoni Campañà i les tensions d'una mirada (1906-1989)

From 18 march at 24 july 2021


-CASA SEAT: Antoni Campañà i la modernitat mecànica

From 24 march at 31 may 2021

virtual visit eng1 250p




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