Art and Memory: Espe Pons

Art and Memory: Espe Pons
Sat, 3. April 2021 - Sun, 27. June 2021
Art i memòria històric EN


Art and Memory

Sota la llum del mar (Under the light of the sea)

Espe Pons

From Saturday, April 3, to Sunday, July 4, 2021.

Openning: April, 3, at 12pm

Incriptions at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 0034 972556533


The research work on the memory of Espe Pons validates, through the photographs of an erased memory, what was a political assassination, and challenges those who observe them about the meaning of the present of historical memory.

From the photographic point of view of Espe Pons, the spaces inhabited by silence speak of the testimony that remains of the invisible, of the silent. His narrative explanation is based on the story of the little brother of the artist’s grandfather, Tomàs Pons Albesa. Life denied by fascism stirs contemporary artistic consciousness and our ethics.

The images, instead of constituting a strictly biographical approach, or a journalistic report, try to revive from the silence of the image and the sensitivity of the artist what time erases from history. The images are silent and speak at the same time from the silent truth that is now given birth.

Vicenç Altaió. Poet, essayist, art critic and idea trafficker.


The exhibition Under the Light of the Sea could be seen in a more extensive format at the Vila Casas Foundation (Palau Solterra, Torroella de Montgrí) this summer and autumn of 2020.

The exhibition Under the Light of the Sea by the Catalan photographer Espe Pons (Barcelona, ​​1973) is a photographic essay that aims to dignify all the victims of the Franco regime in Spain during the Civil War and the post-war period. The project is based on the story of the little brother of the photographer’s grandfather, Tomàs Pons Albesa, who was shot in the Camp de la Bota in Barcelona in 1941 at the age of 31.

In order to be able to trace this story, the author has traveled through the places that her family visited during the last moments of her life and has collected information from the time related to the case with the aim of reconstructing a story, so far, fragmented.

Through this exhibition proposal that combines contemporary photography with documentary testimonies of the time, Espe Pons constructs a new story that evokes a past that is presented to us through a landscape full of light and shadow.

More Information:

Web d'Espe Pons

Expo Sota la llum del mar a la Fundació Vila Casas

Vídeo Sota la llum del mar (Fundació Vila Casas)

virtual visit eng1 250p




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