Art and memory:  Gonzalo Elvira

Art and memory:  Gonzalo Elvira
Sat, 6. June 2015 - Sun, 6. December 2015
Art i memòria històric EN


Art and memory: Gonzalo Elvira

Act VI. Assaig / S.T 1909-1919

From June 6 to December 6, 2015 

Hall of the MUME

Act VI. Assaig / S. T. 1909-1919 is an artistic project whose starting point is the often veiled connections between the so-called Tragic Weeks of Barcelona (1909) and Buenos Aires (1919). Drawings, prints, paintings, photographs and artist books unfold in space, creating an installation that shapes a kind of visual archive - ported to the present - over a turbulent historical moment. Demands for pay improvements, protests against unworthy living conditions, and struggles for a deepening of democracy, after all, were countered by the use of extreme violence by the established powers. Gonzalo Elvira, with his classifying and associative work, grants the possibility of resignifying historical events that are important in the complex contemporary everyday life. The forgetfulness, the memory, the nostalgia and the melancholy go through careful works - fundamentally pictorial - that the document and the historical photography refer to.

Gonzalo Elvira (Neuquén, Patagònia, Argentina) is a visual artist. At present he lives and works in Barcelona. For more information:

virtual visit eng1 250p




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