Pedagogical Lectures of the MUME, 4th Edition, 2011

Pedagogical Lectures of the MUME, 4th Edition, 2011
Mon, 11. July 2011 - Tue, 12. July 2011
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Pedagogical Lecture of the MUME, 4th Edition 

Monday, 11 and Tuesday, 12 of July at the MUME 

Time: from 10h to 18h

Place: Museu Memorial de l'Exili (MUME). C/Major, 43-47 - La Jonquera








These lectures are organized between the ICE ICE (Institut de Ciències de l'Educació Josep Pallach-UdG /Institute of Educational Science Josep Pallach-University of Girona) and the MUME, and counts with the collaboration of Educ'art. They are addressed to the teaching faculty of primary and secondar education that is interested in themes related to the history and memory of the XX century as well as the present.

Registrations: From 15/05/2011 to 15/06/2011 (Download registration form)

Objectives: Evaluate the function of historic memory to construct the future.

IV Pedagogical Lectures of the MUME:

Forced displacements and political refugees in the XX century and present: sensitization and pedogagy of the surrounding of a planetary problem.



















Monday, July 11

10:00 - 10:30

Presentation of the lectures

10,30 - 11:30

"Present day borders as a conflict" by Antoni Segura, (professor of Contemporary History, UB-CEHI)

11,30 - 12:00


12:00 -13:00

Presentation of pedagogic tools about the sensitization of humanitarian problems around the world. by Joan Reventós, (director Catalan Committee of ACNUR)

13:00 - 13:30


13:30 - 15:30


15:30 - 16:30

Presentation of the book: La second to the last border. Fugitives of nazism in Spain, by the author, Rosa Sala Rose

16:30 - 18:30

Projection of the film: "Lamerica" by Gianni Amelio followed by a debate. Presentation by Ramon Girona, professor of the UdG

Tuesday, July 12

10:00 - 11:30

Visit to the Exile Museum (MUME) by the Educational Service of the MUME

11,30 - 16:00

Route: "Portbou and Water Benjamin. The Retirada i WWII" (picnic lunch or on your own in Portbou)
Activities by the Educational Service of the MUME


Return to La Jonquera

Transfer to Portbou is by bus leaving from the MUME.

  • All meals are on the assistants.

Consulting of places assgned starting: 10 de juny.

The facutly that obtains a place will receive an email from the ICE that they will have to answer accepting the place reserved or not, befor June 15. More information.




MUME, Educar´t and ICE Josep Pallach. This activity is included in the Formation Plan of the Dept. of Education.


For more information please contact through the web of the UdG (ICE Josep Pallach):




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