Presentation of the book: Las hogueras del Pertús. Diario de la evacuación de Cataluña (The campfires of Perthus. Journal of the evacuation of Catalonia) by Àlvar d'Orriols

Presentation of the book: Las hogueras del Pertús. Diario de la evacuación de Cataluña (The campfires of Perthus. Journal of the evacuation of Catalonia) by Àlvar d'Orriols
Thu, 5. March 2009
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Presentation of the book "Las hogueras del Pertús. Diario de la Evacuación de Cataluña", by Alvaro de Orriols

Presentation of the diary written by the poet and playwright Alvaro de Orriols (Barcelona, 1894-Hendaye, 1975) during the evacuation of Catalonia on the way to the French border. Very relevant descriptions of the chaos of the last days of the retreat in Girona and Figueres.

Place: University of Girona Foundation. Innovation and Training.

5 March 2009 at 7 pm

virtual visit eng1 250p




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