Walter Benjamin International Conference 2021

Walter Benjamin International Conference 2021
Thu, 18. November 2021 - Sat, 20. November 2021
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Walter Benjamin International Conference 2021

History and fiction. Shifting memory in the narratives of the past

Thursday 18, Friday 19 and Saturday 20 November, in Girona and Portbou


Symposium program

Thursday, November 18

Graduate Hall of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Girona

opening session

6:00 pm: institutional presentations

18:30 h. Philippe Sands, Professor of International Law at University College London and lawyer, author of the works East-West Street. On the origins of "genocide" and "crimes against humanity" and Escape route

conversation with Miquel Berga, professor of English Literature, Pompeu Fabra University

8:00 p.m.: Presentation of the V Edition of the Walter Benjamin Memorial International Award, 2020-2021, by the second vice president of the Girona Provincial Council, Albert Piñeira.

20:30 h: End of the session

Friday, November 19

In Girona, Graduate Hall of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Girona

10:00: Antonio Scurati, professor of Contemporary Literature at the IULM in Milan and author of the fictionalized biography of Benito Mussolini, M. The son of the century and M. The man of providence

conversation with Ismael Saz, Professor of Contemporary History, University of Valencia

11:30 am: coffee break

12:00 h: Marta Marin-Dòmine, director of the Born, Center for Culture and Memory of Barcelona and author of the fictionalized essay Huir was the most beautiful we had

conversation with Margarita Casacuberta, professor of Contemporary Literature, University of Girona

1:30 pm: End of the morning session

4:00 pm: Frédérik Pajak, cartoonist and writer, author of the series of graphic essays Uncertain Manifesto, articulated around the figure of Walter Benjamin

conversation with Luisa Faxedas, professor of Art History, University of Girona

5:30 p.m.: Jordi Amat, philologist and writer, author of the work The son of the driver

conversation with Montserrat Duch, Professor of Contemporary History, Rovira i Virgili University

19:00 h: End of the day

Saturday 20 November

In Portbou


08:00 am: Walking route from Banyuls to Portbou in homage to Walter Benjamin.

This route will be traveled with the Lebanese artist Wafa Aoun, resident at the Nau Côclea Center for Contemporary Creation in Camallera during the fall of this year, he will display his work on the Walter Benjamin Route. Wafa Aoun is a young artist who works with the treatment of textiles and sewing. For her, the last house that the exile has is her dress, just before her skin, and in fact this idea structures her current creation.

Journey time: between 6 and 8 hours

Departure from Portbou. You have to sign up at the Portbou Tourist Office before November 15, 2021

T. (0034) 972 125 161

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Meeting point: Portbou Tourist Office. Passeig Lluís Companys s / n

Free transfer to the point of departure.


4:30 pm: Visit to the "Memorial Passages to Walter Benjamin" by Dani Karavan and the Portbou cemetery, by the MUME Educational Service

Registration: you have to sign up at the Portbou Tourist Office before November 15, 2.021.

T. (0034) 972 125 161

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Meeting point:

Portbou Tourist Office. Passeig Lluís Companys s / n

6:00 p.m.: La Congesta Room ( 20, Méndez Núñez Street)

Exile, voice, music and image, with the actor Àlex Brendemühl, the guitarist Nora Buschmann, direction and audiovisual creation Lalo García and produced by Txell Sabartés

Based on the poetry and music of authors who were forced to leave their homeland and reflect on this circumstance, we want to draw an arc between them and today.

With texts by: Ángel González, Antonio Machado, José Agustín Goytisolo, Angelina Muñiz-Huberman, Rafael Alberti, Blas de Otero, José Hierro, Salvador Espriu, León Felipe, Luis Cernuda, Jaime Gil de Biedma and María Zambrano.

Free with ticket reservation

Reservations: Portbou Tourist Office

T. (0034) 972 125 161

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The colloquium will be held in face-to-face format if the social and health context allows it.

Free registration at the Walter Benjamin International Colloquium: until November 15, 2021 at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Organized by: MUME, Walter Benjamin Chair, Democratic Memorial

With the collaboration of: Eurom / Solidarity Foundation of the University of Barcelona, ​​Nau Côclea, Portbou City Council

With the support: Diputació de Girona, Europe for Citizens

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