Family outings - Exile routes 2018 - Agullana

Family outings - Exile routes 2018 - Agullana
Sun, 4. February 2018
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Family outings open to the public

Sunday, February 4, 2018

February 4th

"The little red zone." The last days of the Civil War in the Empordà

We will discover the Exile Memorial Museum and the Interpretation Center on the Catalan Cultural Exile of 1939, located in Agullana, a border town that hosted the main institutions and republican authorities during the last days of the Civil War, as well as delegations. of the embassies of the USSR and Mexico. Ammunition arsenals; People’s Army soldiers, carabinieri and police officers; intellectuals and artists and more!

The planned schedule of the activity is half day (from 10 am to 2.30 pm) and the meeting point is the MUME, except for the departure from Portbou.

Prior registration is required and the activity is subject to a minimum of 10 participants. Places are limited to 25 people.

Travel is made in the participant's own transport and lunch is not included.

SIGN UP now by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone 972 556 533.


Individuals: 15 € adult and 8 € children (7-12 years)

Groups of 10 or more participants: € 12 adult and € 5 children

Organized by: Exile Memorial Museum

virtual visit eng1 250p




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