Family outings - Exile routes 2018

Family outings - Exile routes 2018
Sun, 14. January 2018 - Sun, 3. June 2018
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Family outings open to the public

MUME, from January 14 to June 3, 2018

As a novelty for 2018, apart from the usual open day and free guided tour on the last Sunday of each month, between January and June we offer a series of outings that include other places linked to the 1939 exile.

Sign up for the first trips to get to know the museum, Agullana and La Vajol, and complement it with subsequent visits to Collioure, Algiers, Elna and Portbou.

The planned schedule of the activity is half day (from 10 am to 2.30 pm) and the meeting point is the MUME, except for the departure from Portbou.

Prior registration is required and the activity is subject to a minimum of 10 participants. Places are limited to 25 people.

Travel is made in the participant's own transport and lunch is not included.

Scheduled outings:

January 14

We discover the treasure of the Republic!

We will start the activity with a visit to the Exile Memorial Museum, and then we will enter the forests of La Vajol to find the Mina Canta, where the funds and currency of the Bank of Spain and some works of art. Come and discover one of the best kept secrets during the Civil War!

February 4th

"The little red zone." The last days of the Civil War in the Empordà

We will discover the Exile Memorial Museum and the Interpretation Center on the Catalan Cultural Exile of 1939, located in Agullana, a border town that hosted the main institutions and republican authorities during the last days of the Civil War, as well as delegations. of the embassies of the USSR and Mexico. Ammunition arsenals; People’s Army soldiers, carabinieri and police officers; intellectuals and artists and more!

March 4th

"These blue days and this childhood sun." The death of a poet in exile

We will meet at the Exile Memorial Museum to go to Collioure, a town in Roussillon near the border, where the poet Antonio Machado lived his last weeks, and where he was buried. A tomb that is a space of memory and remembrance, where we will read some of his poems.

April 1st

Algiers and Elna: the pain of internment and the light of hope

We will visit the Elna Maternity Hospital, where we will discover an oasis of peace and solidarity in the midst of the despair of exile and World War II. We will continue with the visit to the beach of Algiers, space where one of the most infamous internment camps for republicans was located.

May 6

The double border. Portbou in the lead years of World War II

We will find ourselves in Portbou, a border town that was the exit route for many Republicans at the end of the Civil War, and a few months later it was also one of the main entry routes for many Jews and resistant anti-fascists fleeing the Nazi horror. We will visit the cemetery, the monument "Passages" by Dani Karavan, dedicated to the memory of Walter Benjamin, and we will go up to the Coll de Belitres.

June 3rd

Franco's fortifications. Get to know the bunkers of La Jonquera

After a visit to the Exile Memorial Museum, we will discover that in La Jonquera there are several constructions and military works hidden among the landscape. Settlements of machine guns and anti-tank guns prepared to curb an external military invasion during the 1940s. We will enter a bunker and walk through its trench!

SIGN UP now by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone 972 556 533.


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