Family activity: Tales of war and peace

Family activity: Tales of war and peace
Sat, 9. September 2017
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Tales of war and peace

Family and children's activity (from 6 to 12 years old) by Tramoia Cultura.

MUME, Saturday, September 9, 2017 at 11 a.m.

Taking as a leitmotif the book by Pablo Neruda "The book of questions", we propose a selection of illustrated albums on war and peace, where we will go from historical moments to stories in particular, and delve into the human condition as the backbone of every possibility.

The aim of this activity is to present a series of albums with aesthetic and literary potential, in order to arouse children's interest and curiosity towards books, thus also awakening their approach to reading and literature.

The presentation of the different albums will not be done according to their narrative structure, but based on very specific elements, both the story they contain and their visual potential.

Some of the books used throughout the session are:

  • The story of Erika. Ruth Vander Zee and Roberto Innocenti. Ed. Calendar.

  • The duck and death. Wolf Erlbruch. Barbara Fiore Editora.

  • The drop of honey. Lise Mélinand. Bilboquet.

  • The enemy. Davide Cali and Serge Bloch. Takatuka.

  • Book of questions. Pablo Neruda. Isidro Ferrer. Ed.MediaVaca.

More information at:

Website of Tramoia Cultura - Show "Tales of war and peace"

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