+MOT - Lecture: The present and History's tale: the writing on the Transition by Àlex Matas

+MOT - Lecture: The present and History's tale: the writing on the Transition by Àlex Matas
Thu, 16. March 2017
Altres Activitats Històric EN


The MUME and the Walter Benjamin Chair participate in the + MOT with the programming of a conference.

The activities within the + MOT cycle are part of the previous programming that will take place before the celebration of the MOT Literature Festival that will take place in Girona and Olot, dedicated this year to the "Writings of the past".

Lecture: "The present time and the story of History: the writing of the Transition", by Àlex Matas (Professor of Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature, University of Barcelona)

The times of transition from a dictatorial political regime to a democratic one is a time of singular uncertainty. The very protagonists of historical change cannot fully take charge of the magnitude and destiny of the events they are experiencing. It is the story that later literature will be responsible for defining those years of political upheaval, but, above all, to express this subjective experience of change suffered by the protagonists. The literary narratives that have been made of the Political Transition in Spain, and in other countries, allow us to see that today's writers often choose very different aesthetic and political formulas when they represent those facts.

Organized by: Memorial Museum of Exile and Walter Benjamin Chair, Memory and Exile (UDG)

Place: Carles Rahola Library, Girona

Day and Time: March 16, at 6:30 p.m.


virtual visit eng1 250p




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