Presentation of the documentary: Mon Marquès: the battle of memory

Presentation of the documentary: Mon Marquès: the battle of memory
Sat, 8. June 2019
Altres Activitats Històric EN



Presentation of the documentary: Mon Marquès: the battle of memory, by Julio Suárez

A production of La Guerrilla Comunicacional - LGC Films

MUME, Saturday, June 8, 2019, at 11 a.m.

Synopsis: Mon Marquès, professor emeritus, now retired, from the University of Girona, continues to work, after more than thirty years, on research into the exile of republican teachers.

Mon, in the documentary, travels from the education system of the Second Spanish Republic (1936-39) to today, highlighting the differences between the republican education system and the Franco dictatorship system, as well as the repression suffered by them and exile forced in France and Mexico.

This document brings light to the darkness that has always existed on the subject of Republican exile, because as Mon says: of those who remained we had data, but of those who left there was no documentation, so they did not exist.

Organized by:

La Guerrilla Comunicacional


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