Exhibition: Carmen Castillo. A Chilean exiled

Exhibition: Carmen Castillo. A Chilean exiled
Sam, 2. octobre 2021 - Dim, 27. mars 2022
Exposició Temporal Històric EN


Exhibition: Carmen Castillo. A Chilean exiled

2 oct 2021 - 27 march 2022

Openning, Sathurday, 2 oct 2021 at 12h pm

The exhibition, curated by journalist and film critic Imma Merino, consists of a journey through the life and work of Carmen Castillo with the exile as a centra axe.

During the Chilean military dictatorship with the MIR (Movement of the Revolutionary Left), a resistant group that was clandestinely fighting against the dictatorship. In 1974, after a strong repressive attack by the dictatorship, the result of a denunciation that ended the life of his companion and leader of the resistant group, Miguel Enríquez, he was able to go into exile in Paris.

Carmen Castillo has worked making documentaries for television and also documentaries related to the recovery of historical memory, such as La flaca Alejandra (1994), which narrates the meeting of a whistleblower with one of the victims of the denunciation, carried out during the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile, and Calle Santa Fé (2007), a production about the experience of the director of the 1974 Pinochetist repression and the memory of the vanquished.

You can access the texts and videos of the exhibition in Catalan, Spanish, French and English through this link.

More info in:

Imma Merino. “Diàlegs amb... Carmen Castillo: Compromís polític i experiència de l’exili”, dins la revista del Memorial Democràtic Temps de memòria núm. 5 (2020)

Carmen Castillo, una revolucionaria de todos los tiempos, article de Marco Álvarez (Amecopress, Mèxic, juny 2020)

Cicle de cinema xilè (París, La cinémathèque du documentaire, 2020)

Dossier Carmen Castillo al Festival International de Documentaires (FIPADOC, 2020)

Carmen Castillo, cinéaste de la résistance chilienne - FIPADOC 2020 

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