Film Documentaire: 48- Nakba, par Domènec et Sàgar Malé (Mapa Sonor)

Film Documentaire: 48- Nakba, par Domènec et Sàgar Malé (Mapa Sonor)
Jeu, 20. novembre 2008 - Mer, 31. décembre 2008
Altres Activitats Històric FR


Presentation and projection of the documentary “48- Nakba”,  by Domènec i Sàgar Malé (Mapa Sonor).

From November 20 to December 31, 2008.

“Nakba” means disgrace. This is how the Palestinians describe the events of 1948 whenfor the creation of  the State of Israel a large part of the local population was forced to leave their place of origin. The work, as a documentary, puts together diferent interviews to witnesses of this neverending diaspora. It also insists and shows very clearly the mechanisms used by the State of Israel to erase the memory of the Palestinians in the territories that were usurped. This activity is included in the proposal of the MUME to touch the theme of the exile as an open and worldwide concept.

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