Guided tour and workshop for primary and secondary schools

News from Exile is an educational activity aimed at primary and secondary school students between 10 and 14.


The boys and girls will work during a morning as reporters and experts in investigative journalism, submerging themselves in the world of individual and collective memory and in work with oral sources. This will involve the collection of information, the treatment of events and their communication in accordance with television resources and using determined methodological and ethical principles. This activity involves working with difficult but highly educational contents in an entertaining, instructive and creative way. It is organised as a group-classroom activity which consists of a tour of the Exile Memorial Museum in La Jonquera, a workshop at MUME and, lastly, important work before and after at school.

Duration: 3 hours

· Price per student: €8

· Groups up to 20 students: €160 / group


virtual visit eng1 250p




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